OK, so it was cancelled yesterday but which brave soul queued at 06.30 this morning to rebook the trip? We only saw one whale, but twice, and in its natural habitat. Fantastic. Cloudy Bay tomorrow! ps: the photo is real
Due to tsunami warning all whale watching was cancelled yesterday, this is the boat we would have gone out on! Wait, There's a whale between the two boats, well, there was if I'd been a bit quicker with the camera!
Cold, Wet, Miserable, Fed up, I want my mother!! Not that bad really, first real rain since we've been away but ut has lasted for 24 hours!
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Long way from home! This is the view from the top of the cable car in Queenstown, it can only go downhill from now.....and it has. Arrived in Franz Josef this afternoon to torrential rain, and it hasn't stopped yet. Looks like we'll have to go th the Imax to see the glacier!!
Bet the conductor got fed up standing at the back all the way to Queenstown!
This is B on the CRUISE at Milford Sound. Ab Fab. Only downer, they didn't tell us MS is the wettest place in NZ and our flight back was cancelled. Cooler here in NZ but still mid 20's, have seen snow on the top of the mountains though!
Been there, done that, got the T shirt, but wouldn't do it again! Sunset over the Blue Mountains from the top of the Bridge was fantastic. Both of us needed a large Scotch when we got down!
Well, we've arrived and guess what, there's a big bridge and a fan shaped building taking up mostg of the skyline, oh, and it's been raining here too. Another post when I get some pickies on the computer. Still talking!
88 floors up and this glass floored cube pops out of the side of the building, so scary that neither of us tried it! Heavens opened last night so swiftly that one brave soul was seen SWIMMING in the middle of the main shopping street! We got soaked! Next stop Sydney.
Fab place Palm Cove, this is the view from the restaurant of the hotel. There are 2 swimming pools, salt and fresh water, a jacuzzi pool and a spa which B is going to take full advantage of tomorrow. Me, I'm waiting for the Geisha massage in Japan altho B recons it'll be a Sumo wrestler!
Oh the Freemo Doc came over the hill ant it blew! The Freemo Doc came over the hill and it blew! The Freemo Doc came over the hill and it blew, blew, blew, blew!
Yes....it stopped raining at about 10:00am so we were able to get out and do the 'tourist' bit. This is a picture of the Natural Bridge in Albany, it is alongside the Gap, absolutely awsome, suggest you google it as my camera skills are not the best! Back to Perth tomorrow.
Getting a little more adventurous, this walk through the tree tops is 60m high and it sways! Now in Albany which closes at 5pm with the exception of the Earl Spencer pub, it only sells British and Irish beer! Think today is as far south as we get and the forecast is for a cooler day, only 25!